Special guest at the Industrial Forum IRT3000

25 Feb 2023

05-Avatar-temeljni-nanos-5-scaledWith great proud and honour we announce, that in June we will host one of the most popular Hollywood stars at the 14th Industrial Forum IRT3000. He is a special guest, almost three meters tall, is of blue colour and represents what technology and human imagination can create. With us will be Avatar! Or more precisely, a sculpture of this creature of the Na'vi people from planet Pandora, as has been imagined by movie director James Cameron in the cult movie Avatar: The Way of Water.

This Avatar comes from Slovenian company 3way, where has been based on CAD model printed by two 3D-printers. The sculpture, that is exactly 270 cm tall and made of 55 parts will be available for photo shooting and make selfies bot days of the forum. The mock-up is an excellent example showing that almost everything is possible with 3D-printing.

For the end, instead of our normal salute »See you!«, we will say »I see you!« *


*This is the formal Na'vi salute and form of highest respect to other creatures.